terça-feira, 12 de abril de 2011

Feb 23 - Salt Flats Tour Day 2 (Uyuni)‏

Didn't hear alarm, ear plugs in, Megan had to wake me

Saying my name, a gentle poke, unsuccessful she had to shake me
A sunshiny day we were on our way
(after I finally rose) to pink flamingos
Our group multifarious the whole time remained gregarious
Our topics of conversation various at times they were downright hilarious
We saw 4 colored lakes and a tree made of stone
A bad snack it makes even though it resembled an ice cream cone
In the jeep for hours in trances
I for one trying to grasp these Brobdingnagian expanses
At times no road Jorge, our guide, blazed a trail
Across the moonscape punishing jeep suspension we'd sail
Arrived at dorms at 4 to say the least it was monastic
Compared to last night it was fantastic
I played Emilie in backgammon, her board, French rules
Her dice rolled true, mine acted like fools
Cribbage next, played Rikke by 5 points, I was the winner
I'm reluctant to admit she's a total beginner
For a while Megan left, doing duty as a nurse
That profession to me seems both a blessing and a curse
Electricity cut off at 10 o'clock, It was bed time
Poor little Danes couldn't sleep so we sang them a nursery rhyme


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